Do you ever say a word over and over and over again until it starts to sound kind of weird? My dear readers we are about to take this blog on a journey to that place. For quite sometime, I've been wanting to get a new tattoo. It's an odd thing, the call to get inked. I'm not one of those people that has a ton of things tattoos on her body, nor to I have the desire to have a ton of things tattooed on my body. But nonetheless, I heard the call to get inked. I knew this tattoo would be a word. I knew it would be on my wrist and I knew what I needed was a reminder. I struggled for the better part of two years with what my word should be. This is kind of an odd phenomenon since as those of you who read my blog know, I already have a word. My word, is doorway . But doorway is not the word that was calling to be permanently inked on my body. So I started going through a list. Surrender was very high on my list. Afte...