And the winner is............ ME!

Woah Nellie! I got props from Jen at Noting Grace. She gave me a Kreativ Blogger Award!!! I think she may have given it to me because I'm so mad at her for moving to Vegas but, alas, I'll take it anyway!!!!

I was having a few weeks of blog dundrums..... you know...anyone who blogs must get in this funk, right? What to blog about? Time to actually blog? So this came at the right time for me. Gave me the "feel good" that I needed to push forward!

Here's the rulez....

1.Post the award.

2.Thank and mention the person who gave you the award.

3.Pass the award on to seven bloggers whom you think embody the spirit of the Kreativ Blogger Award.

4.Name seven things about yourself that others don't know.

5.Don’t forget to notify your seven Kreativ Bloggers about their AWARD and post links to their blogs.

My Kreativ Blogger Seven are: (in no particular order, of course!)

1. Right back at ya Jen. I don't know if that's "legal" to give it back to the person who gave it to you, but I am BLOWN AWAY by her creations. Check 'em out at Noting Grace. She hasn't even been at this blogging thing for that long and I'm totally addicted to everything she posts and everything she says and every project she does. And, I personally know she's good peeps and even though I might NEVER forgive her for moving away.........I'll always love her and look up to her and strive to be as clean and as organized as she is. (for the record, I will NEVER get there!)

2. Myra McEntire at Writing Finally. She's a great friend and pushes me to blog even when I don't want to. In fact, it's sorta her fault I started to blog in the first place. Even though most of her blog posts are over my head now (about being a "real" writer) I will always love her style and her voice and find something to laugh about. And that's important.

3. Evan Farmer. He's got his toes in a lot of blogs right now so I think the best place to find him is here at his official site. He used to be the host of TLC's While You Were Out. Now he's the host of CMT's Top 20 Countdown. Evan has dedicated his life to many philanthropic causes. Autism being one of them. We (myself hosting events or Autism Speaks) ask Evan to jump, and he truly says, "how high?" He gives and gives and gives and gives of himself. I am so proud and honored to call him a friend. You don't meet too many people like Evan in your lifetime. He is truly a special person.

4. Heather at The Life of Heather Leigh cracks me up with every single post. And that's an important quality in a blog. The thing is, Heather and I went to high school together. We haven't communicated in YEARS and found each other again via facebook. We were both sort of english/writing nerds back then. She for the newspaper, I for the yearbook. Reading her blog is like a nostalgic journey for me. Even after all these years, Heather's writing still has the same raw, honest quality it did back in high school when we didn't know any better than to write what we were REALLY thinking!

5. Southern Savers is my best friend EVER. For real. If you live in the south, make this your BFF too. She shows you how to use coupons to the MAX and get tons of stuff for pennies or even FREE. I don't know how she does it but I love to take advanage of her work! Thank you, Jenny!!!!

6. Diary of a Mom ~ Jess is an autism mama like me. I just read her blog.... in awe. I love her writing. I love her soul. I love her passion. She's a kindred spirit although I've never met her. I don't need to. I know she is.

7. And............ Kari at Ucreate is the SHIZ-BOT! That blog is OFF THE CHAIN.... there are so many amazing, creative, inspiring ideas that when I'm on the phone with my BFF in Michigan and we're on this blog at the same time, we think our heads are going to explode! We are both screaming at the same time, "LOOK AT THIS!!!" "CHECK THIS OUT" "HOLY PAJAMAS!" We can't get to the projects fast enough!

Yikes, seven things about me that you might not already know. Hmmmmmmmmmmm since I'm such an open book this might be a challenge.

1. I love Justin Timberlake in a bad way. I find him ridiculously sexy. Yeah, he's a good singer, (falsetto to rapper and a whole lot in between!) sure he's pretty cute, yep he's got the dancing thing down PAT, but the funny. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the funny. I just love that he can laugh at himself and put himself out there and be SO okay with it. THAT is what makes him so ***SMOKIN HOT*** to me. (And? I'm 12)

2. Freshly pedicured toes and flip flops make me frighteningly happy.

3. I lived in California for one year and that's all it took for me to become a "California Girl." I am in awe standing near the ocean. Somehow, some way I will get back there again. Even if it's to retire to a cardboard box or giant seashell on the beach, I'll be there.

4. I love to read chic lit. Sometimes bordering on trashy romance. Yep. There, I said it. I'm actually a bit addicted to it. Sure, I read "smart" books about parenting and autism, and self help and all of that.........but at the end of the day, I LOVE to get lost in a good story that can take me away from my own life for a little bit. Emily Giffin is one of my favorite authors.

5. I'm an only child. I'm wayyyyyyyyyyyy jealous of those who have siblings and really really really wish I had some. It makes me nuts when siblings fight (as adults) because y'all don't even know how lucky you are to have each other. My boys are best friends, they really, really are and that is something that makes my heart burst with joy and pride.

6. I cannot, absolutely CANNOT go to sleep without a sleeping mask on. I have worn one since I was about 14 years old. Now it's as if my eyes don't know how to stay shut unless I'm wearing one. In a pinch I've been known to use a bandana.

7. My goal is to make at least one person laugh each day. If I exceed that goal, I'm doing REALLY well!


  1. WOW! This post is exactly what I needed to read right now! I've been cursing blogger out for the last week because I've been having trouble uploading pictures. Although it could very well be my connection in which case I would have to curse out my wireless or something tekky on my end...I've just been too daggone tired to figure it out. So, I've got a couple of posts saved until I can figure out the picture thing. Plus, I've got a list of blog topics the length of the Michigan shore line waiting to be written. It's funny, when I read your last post about "the sun also rises", it SO took me back to high school with Mr. Mills. I'm humbled and inspired by your nomination to get back to blogging. Thanks!! And SMOOCHES!

    Oh, and speaking of JT, have you heard Carry Out, yet from Timbaland featuring JT? Here's the Youtube link (I hope Blogger let's me post the link, if not, just go to youtube and look it up!):

    Anyway, my fave dance move of his in this video is "the heartbeat" at 3:44. Enjoy. :)

  2. Heather, I'm scared that you know the exact second the dance move arrives. heee hee ok I secretly LOVE IT. And? I took Jared to the movies this weekend and it was the making of THAT VIDEO on the big screen! I swooned (and immediately busted a move, much to Jared's chagrin)


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