
Showing posts from September, 2011

One door leads to another.........

I always feel like I should blog more.  I have TONS to say.  Anyone who knows me for 5 minutes knows that.  But time... time.... time.....  and then I get to the point where it's like the words are itching me under my skin just dying to get out and so, I make the time. It makes ME feel better.   Less itchy anyway. So this summer was absolutely wild.  And because I live in the south, our summer has been over for nearly a month now.  And not only did my boys go back to school, but I did too.  Sort of.  I mean I don't want to confuse anyone because after all I've said oh, about a million times, that I'm going to go back to school.  But there's that whole "time" thing again.  You see I have one and ONLY one regret in my life.  That I didn't become a teacher.  I know I still can.  And I will.  But in the meantime............ In order to make more time in between being a mommy, a cleaning lady, a chauffer, a craf...